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Keith's funeral will be held on the 28th December at 11am Adelaide time
David Benge
David is looking for information on Fred Turner x Port line Bosun from Southend. also John (pancho) Cadelle from Penge London
John Brotherton
VindiVindicatrix 1942/43 Deck R262552
Johns sJohns son is looking for anyone who trained on the Vindi or sailed with himo
Heading 6
Heading Oliver "john" Bevan
The Granddaughter of the late John Bevan is looking for information from anyone who knew him at the Vindi or sailed with him, it is believed that he trained at the vindi circa 1948. Any info please email me at
The Granddaughter of Joe Coyle is looking for any Vindiboy who knew Joe especially the two lads in the photo with him, She is happy for his class mates to email her at.
Joe was at the Vindi in the early 50s .
he sadly passed away in March due to Covid.
Ian McCaulay 1962 Catering
Ian is looking for anyone who remembers him at the Vindi r onboard the Paparoa, Hauraki, Parthia or Rangitoto.